Good lighting in parking lots for tenants is an important part of the rental process. This is because a potential tenant’s first priority is safety. So having a well-lit parking lot is not only important, but essential to prevent attacks and robberies on tenants, theft of a tenants’ cars and liability for the landlord. For the landlord then there are a few things to keep in mind that are listed below:
- When the parking lot is well lit, it not only creates a safe tenant friendly environment, but it also improves security. Accidents are reduced too from people tripping, falling or slipping. This also will prevent lawsuits against the landlord for any accidents of this nature.
- If the lights in the parking lot burn out and are not replaced within a reasonable amount of time, the landlord could be held liable if there is an accident; or if there is a safety incident concerning a tenant. The lights in a parking light must be situated too so that a person can be recognized from a safe distance. Plus, providing a crime-free environment for the tenants will not only get you a better grade of tenant, but theft and vandalism will be cut back.
- It may pay to have a maintenance company service the parking lot. The company would run continuous checks and testing on the lighting, Plus, the company would replace and repair any lights as needed as part of the maintenance and repair contract. Also, having the light poles checked for any signs of wear and tear is important so that they continue to work and are reliable when needed.
- If the parking area is inside a parking building, the lighting has to be maintained properly there as well. With proper and effective lighting, potential security problems, vehicles being protected as safety issues won’t be a problem then. A maintenance service can also be hired to provide this service as well.
Parking lots can be kept safe and secure with the proper lighting and maintenance.