Repairing Tenant Damage

If you own a multi-family housing complex, tenant damage is a very real concern. You’ve probably heard horror stories from property owners and managers. Even though you probably charge a damage deposit, tenants may still treat your property disrespectfully. Average tenants will probably leave scuff marks on your walls, stain carpeting or damage flooring. The […]

Making Your Community Stand Out

When planning your multi-family construction project, consider the typical resident that you want to attract. This should help you identify the features that will make your community stand out from others. Do they have small children? Are they older? Will there be multiple family members in the unit? If so, the residents are more likely […]

Maintenance and Property Projects You Should Never Ignore

Commercial construction is an ongoing part of owning multi-family property. You will always have to plan for upgrades and repairs on the interior and exterior of the buildings and units. If you don’t stay on top of certain issues, your property will look neglected. You won’t attract the residents you want. Other maintenance projects are […]

Are You Planning to Sell Your Property? Consider These Upgrades First

When you own a multi-family property, you are typically in a constant state of renovation and repair. If you are considering selling the property in the near future, you should take a different approach to your property. Instead of focusing merely on basic maintenance, you should plan projects that will help prepare to put the […]

Five Upgrades That Will Increase Profit

Have an older community that needs some updates?  Focus on upgrades that will deliver in both rental rates and sales prices.  Make sure your enhancements are appropriate for your demographic, area, and property.  What will make the largest impact for your property and property location? These five upgrades are proven to refresh a community and […]