A community pool is an attractive feature for multifamily properties. Pools are gathering places which help build a sense of community in the area. Pools are also tempting for renters, especially in areas with high temperatures in the summertime. As a multifamily property owner, you have certain legal responsibilities when it comes to protecting residents and visitors who come near your pool.

swimmerThe International Swimming Pool Code (ISPSC) is a comprehensive list of pool codes that meet the requirements of the Virginia Graeme Baker Act, which was created in order to upgrade pool safety in a variety of ways. As a multifamily property owner, you are required to comply with ISPCP requirements when it comes to your community pool. You should review the code carefully and seek help from a legal professional if you have questions about complying with the regulations. The codes are updated on a regular basis so you need to check regularly to make sure you’re complying.

Pool fences provide a variety of protections. First, they prevent unauthorized access by people who don’t live in the community. Your pool is reserved for your multifamily unit residents. If unauthorized guests gain access, the pool can quickly become overcrowded. Many property owners issue keys or codes to residents to allow them to enter the pool areas. The fencing also offers protection for children. Young children are often very interested in water and can get into a pool very quickly. This has led to many tragic accidents so locked fencing helps prevent tragic accidents.

Your multifamily contractor can advise you on the best fencing to comply with ISPCP regulations. These regulations require that your fence is equipped with a latch that self-closes and self-latches. You can also attach a lock to the latch. The important thing is that the door won’t swing open and will slip into the latch on its own. If you don’t have the right kind of fencing, you are opening yourself up to a wide variety of lawsuits.

Many pool fences are made of aluminum, wood, vinyl and other materials. The fence rails should be close enough together that a small child cannot squeeze through the bars. Your multifamily contractor can recommend fencing options which will fit in with the décor of your property and provide the protection your residents need.